Kirbydogs' Info - Go HOME
Computer Specs:
Operating System: Windows 11 23h2 (64-bit), manufactured by Lenovo
Browser: Firefox
Paint Programs: MS-Paint/Paint 3D, GIMP, paint.NET
MS-DOS emulator: DOSBox-X
WordPad Installed
New Nintendo 3DS XL with galaxy-themed case
Luma3DS v13.2.1 installed (B9S bootstrap installed)
GodMode9 2.1.1
Pretendo PNID: Kirbydogs
Friend Code: 3233 - 7498 - 7156 -- Be sure to leave a comment on my profile page that is your friend code!
Games include: Tomodachi Life, nintendogs + cats, Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition, Swapnote, both main Kirby titles for 3DS, and more